OCT 2024
Grace Hopper Celebration
I have been accepted to return to the Grace Hopper Celebration this October 2024! It is an honor and a privilege to share the stage with my colleague and famous speakers such as Viola Davis and America Ferrera. My colleague and I will be bringing our Ghost Products® talk to Philly and can't wait to participate in an event that celebrates women in technology.

MAY 2024
Stir Trek
I was thrilled to be return to Stir Trek without a global pandemic going on! We originally were accepted in 2020 before Stir Trek shut down. My colleague and I collaborated on a presentation about Ghost Products®. We presented an interactive session on what defines a Ghost Product, how you can avoid these specters, and step by step how to raise the dead from beyond.

AUG 2023
Each year, Insight hosts an internal conference for teammates from all over the USA and Canada to gather and share ideas. For Mastery 2023, I partnered with a UX Designer and a Front-End Developer to present on the topic of how to best utilize different UX roles on your product team. The presentation covered the collaboration of UX Research, UX Design, and Development and how those roles could be empowered to do their best work on a product team.

JAN 2023
My colleague and myself presented an interactive session on exploring how user research and a human centered approach can prevent product teams from developing software that users either don't need or don't desire. Ultimately we call these user-less products, Ghost Products®.

AUG 2022
Each year Insight hosts an internal conference for teammates from all over the USA and Canada to gather and share ideas. For Mastery 2022, my colleague and I facilitated a workshop and presentation on how we as consultants can identify Ghost Products® and advocate for research to our stakeholders to avoid certain disaster when developing software.

AUG 2021
Each year Insight hosts an internal conference for teammates from all over the USA and Canada to gather and share ideas. For Mastery 2021, my colleague and I facilitated a workshop on how we can identify stakeholder assumptions and leverage user research to better define our problem spaces and innovate smarter.

MAY 2020
Stir Trek
I was thrilled to be accepted to speak at the 2020 Stir Trek. I had planned a topic on how a research first approach can help companies save resources by innovating smarter and more efficiently. Unfortunately due to Covid, Stir trek had to be canceled and therefore so was my talk.

OCT 2019
Grace Hopper Celebration
My colleague and I submitted a talk for the Grace Hopper conference covering our case study of voice assistant research in the utility space. Our presentation covered best practices for conducting an in home contextual inquiry and ethnography study.
We discussed why our company had an interest in developing for voice technology, the value of a research first approach, our findings, and the lessons we learned for conducting this kind of research. We were able to present our research to 500 attendees and were invited to attend the remainder of the conference.
We discussed why our company had an interest in developing for voice technology, the value of a research first approach, our findings, and the lessons we learned for conducting this kind of research. We were able to present our research to 500 attendees and were invited to attend the remainder of the conference.

JUN 2019
AEP Agile Conference
I had the opportunity to share a case study of voice assistant research in the utility space. My presentation covered best practices for conducting an in home contextual inquiry and ethnography study.
It is important to me to share what I have learned in this space because so much about it is still being established. Not only do I enjoy speaking, but I also had the opportunity to learn from others in this space and bring that knowledge back to my team.
It is important to me to share what I have learned in this space because so much about it is still being established. Not only do I enjoy speaking, but I also had the opportunity to learn from others in this space and bring that knowledge back to my team.